Our Accelerated Weekend Instrument Ground School starts this weekend!  It would be perfect for pilots preparing for the FAA Instrument written test or rusty instrument pilots looking to refresh their knowledge.

The course can be purchased in the store on our website and will take place over two weekends: February 3, 4, 10 & 11.  All Course Materials, Class Supplies, and Lunch are Provided!

Course Syllabus
Weather Basics
Weather Types
Weather Services
Pilot Reports
Winds Aloft Forecasts
Surface Analysis Charts
Flight Instruments
Electronic Flight Instruments (G1000 and Aspen)
Regulations and Procedures
Departure Procedures
VFR On Top
Enroute Charts
Holding Patterns
Arrivals (STARs)
Approach Procedures
Missed Approach Procedures

Fly With Race City Flight Ops and Discover your Wings!
Financing is Available!